Writing Wednesday: Acceptance Speech

I was sitting here wondering what I should write about for Writing Wednesday when I received a message from my dear friend Nick.  He had a prompt for me!  One that he thought up last night.  When he gave it to me I knew right away, this is today’s topic.

If you were ever to become famous, and had a moment in the peak of your spotlight to thank a small number of people whom were instrumental in your development and or success, who would you thank?

Some of it would depend on what I was famous for.  Am I a well-known actress with an Oscar under my belt?  An activist who started a revolution?  A kick-butt game designer who sold 5 million copies?  An author who has now spent 12 weeks on the NY Times Bestseller List?  Regardless, I would definitely be thanking my agent and the folks involved in whatever project I am currently working on.  There are, however, a few key people I would need to thank, no matter what I was famous for.

My Mother – For always being there when I needed to whine, or cry, or had serious boy problems that only she could help me with.  And for being my best friend, even though she drives me crazy sometimes.

My Father – For motivating me to be the absolute best I can be.  For telling me to keep on trying and never give up.  And for telling me, on a regular basis, how proud of me he is.

My Alex – For the first time in a very long time I feel completely and utterly accepted by my partner, and that is a great feeling.  And for that wonderful feeling I am extremely thankful and it encourages me to want to be a better person and do everything I can to show him how thankful I am.

My Friends – Ok, this is a bit broad, but I do have a good number of friends that I would want to thank, nearly all of them met online, and each one of them means a great deal to me, has helped me become who I am today, and each one deserves to be recognized.  However, since there are so many of them, and I certainly wouldn’t want to leave anyone out, I would, unfortunately, lump them all together, and afterward, thank each of them individually.

Professor Stephen Prothero – This professor, who I had my freshman year of college, is the reason I chose to study what I did.  After taking his class, Death & Immortality, I fell in love with the study of religion and knew that this would be what I spent the remaining years of college studying.  And I am so glad I did.  My studies taught me to read, write, and think critically, not just about religion, but at world issues and life in general.  So thank you Professor Prothero.

Wandering Minds Theater Group – I joined this theater group at the beginning of my junior year at Boston University.  After that, my life was never the same.  Growing up I was a shy and anti-social girl.  Until Wandering Minds got a hold of me.  I broke out of my shell, discovered like-minded people, and finally became at ease with who I was.  Though I may not currently keep in touch with all of my fellow members, they know they hold a special place in my heart.

My Family – I have a large extended family (comes from my parents being divorced multiple times), and there is no way I could list them all, but they have all supported me, loved me, and let me become who I am, so for that, they deserve thanks.

Now I just need to become famous.  I will keep working on that.  Check back in a few more years, maybe a decade or two.

Who would you thank?



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